Monday, 13 September 2010

The Thing

This whole sequence was shot without any help from computer generated imagery and still the film maker have managed to make a very effective and scary effect. The use of CGI could have made this scene more believable but it would still be equally effective in my opinion.

In the first take of this scene, there was a huge mistake. The strange liquid that quirts out of the mans neck was made in such a rush that the film crew didn't realise it was flamable and fire is a main part of this scene. So when trying to film it for the first time the effect exploded and set fire. This hugely detailed model that took months to create and design went up in smoke in a matter of seconds. They had to wait a very long time untill they could reshoot this scene.

This shows how challenging and expensive it would have been to create special effects like the ones seen in "The Thing". In modern day special effects where almost every aspect of it is digital this isn't a problem. It is very easy to change and redo digital scenes.